Coming Soon
Co-op Market is a grocery store established by member-owners to serve the Fairbanks area. We will offer organic and whole foods, local food and other healthy products. The store will be located in part of the Foodland Building on Gaffney Road. Find out more.
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Building our own member owned grocery store together
Who we are and what is membership
Co-op Market is a grocery store established by member-owners to serve the Fairbanks area by providing organic and whole foods, local foods, bulk quantities for price savings, and other healthy products for an Alaskan lifestyle. The store will start out with 6000 square feet at the East end of the Foodland Building at 546 Gaffney Road.
Co-op Market is about good,healthy food. How it looks, how it tastes, who grew it, how it was grown, and where it came from.
Local Food First
Co-op Market is committed to buying quality local products FIRST, purchasing from outside of Alaska when a quality local option is not available. We are committed to working with local producers to provide:
• Alaska Grown produce (in season)
• Local Meat
• Alaska Seafood
• Alaskan Dairy Products
• Locally made Bread & Baked Goods
As a member-owned enterprise Co-op Market is founded on its Membership Equity Investments. You can become a member simply by investing $200.00. Or you can opt to begin your membership investment with one of our payment plans. Join now.
Benefits of Co-op Membership
• Member Only Special Deals – (exclusive coupons and/or discount days)
• Corporate rate discount at Sourdough Fuel (autofill home heating)
• Patronage refund – a portion of profits refunded to members
• Classes – free or sliding scale classes
• Newsletters & updates
• Supporting local farmers
• Strengthening the local economy
• Democratic Participation

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Community Partners
We offer this advertising opportunity to businesses who would like to assist Co-op Market in a mutually beneficial manner. Call 457-1023 to find out how you can participate.
Contact Facebook Blog E-News 907.457.1023 PO Box 72637, Fairbanks, AK 99707 Staff Area